Mental Health Treatment in San Bernardino, CA

Knowing the Mental Health Needs in San Bernardino, CA

Almost 20% of adults have to experience some kind of mental illness each year in San Bernardino County. The statistic is significant; it calls for the much-needed, comprehensive mental health treatment in San Bernardino, CA. Untreated mental health issues could result in more dangerous physical health issues like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Seeking support from a professional treatment center, like Compassion Recovery Centers, you can have the head start of a healthier life. Consult today (877) 414-3007.

Compassion Recovery: Best in Class Mental Health Center in San Bernardino, CA

While looking out for a mental health center, one must look for the following features to get the best care.

Trained and Qualified Staff

The center you select should use qualified professionals from DHCS.

Patient Reviews and Testimonials 

Log on to the company website and find the previous patients’ feedback to understand more.

Easily Accessible Location

Make sure the location is easily accessible from your home via public and personal transport.

Insurance Verification

Please check to see if the center accepts your insurance program.

Compassion Recovery Centers have various programs that meet individual mental health needs. Here are our primary programs:                 

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP): Balance Your Time

The PHP offers an intensive, structured level of care but does not require an overnight stay. This program is appropriate for those who:

  • Are experiencing moderate to severe mental health concerns
  • Would feel comfortable returning home after their sessions
  • Require a high level of professional support but do not have the luxury of suspending their everyday responsibilities
  • Need more support than traditional outpatient programs can provide

The PHP at Compassion Recovery program helps patients to better regulate their mental health issues and provides an encouraging setting for recovery.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP): Get More Care in Less Time

Our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) involves patients spending several hours per day at the facility, typically for 10 hours a week. The program is appropriate for individuals who:

  • Need low levels of supervision
  • Have conditions that are manageable with treatment and support
  • Need IOP services after inpatient care or as a part of their ongoing treatment

IOP focuses on developing coping strategies and provides a structured setting to work on the mental health concerns of the patients.

Virtual Treatment in San Bernardino, CA

With the help of virtual medical treatment in San Bernardino, CA, seeing a psychiatrist or a psychologist becomes convenient. And without leaving home. Such services can include diagnostic assessments, medication management, prescription refills, and therapy or counseling sessions. Telehealth is great for those living in rural areas or for anyone who wants to save time and money on travel.

Dual Diagnosis: Treat SUD and Mental Illness

Co-occurring treatment will treat both mental health disorders and substance use disorders. Effective recovery must also mean effective co-morbidity treatment for both diseases. Our Dual Diagnosis program, specific to the individual, includes:

  • Individual medication management
  • Intense therapeutic interventions
  • Detoxification with integrated therapies
  • Comprehensive monitoring and follow-ups with ongoing medical appointments

Dual diagnosis treatment has an essential feature: preventing relapse and helping the two conditions to be managed well.

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Treatment Options at Compassion

There are a number of disorders related to mental health that we have specialized treatment for at Compassion Recovery Centers. These include:

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Depression
  • Substance Use Disorders

Compassion Recovery: Your All-Inclusive Mental Health Rehab in San Bernardino, CA

We accept most insurances, including Medicaid, Anthem, Cigna, United Health, and Blue Shield; just check your insurance coverage with us. Make a start on your treatment plan.

Compassion Recovery Centers is dedicated to providing superb mental health care in San Bernardino, CA. To schedule an appointment or learn more about our services, please contact us at (877) 414-3007.

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