Insider's Guide to the Best ADHD Psychiatrists Near Me in California

ADHD Psychiatrist Guide

Medically Reviewed by: 

Picture of Dr. Marco M. Zahedi

Dr. Marco M. Zahedi

Medical Director, Compassion Recovery Center

Healthcare Writer

Picture of Dr. Michael Majeski

Dr. Michael Majeski

Licensed Psychologist (LP), Compassion Recovery Center

Table of Contents

Healthcare Writer

Picture of Dr. Michael Majeski

Dr. Michael Majeski

Licensed Psychologist (LP), Compassion Recovery Center

Did you know that every 6 in 10 American children (3-17 years) have been suffering from moderate-to-severe ADHD, as per a research survey conducted in 2022? Read on to get a crystal clear understanding of finding the best ADHD psychiatrists near me in California

This comprehensive article also addresses:

  • Need to seek ADHD treatment by professional psychiatrists
  • Primary ADHD symptoms to look for
  • Proven tips to find the right ADHD psychiatrist near you
  • Authentic treatment options to manage ADHD
  • Distinctive features that make CRC stand out

If you are also facing psychological distress and looking for a professional yet compassionate ADHD treatment approach, consult Compassion Recovery Centers (CRC) for wholesome mental support by calling (877) 414-3007.

The Significance of Seeking Specialized Care by ADHD Psychiatrists

Characterized by a severe medical condition, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) primarily induces behavioral changes in the affected individuals. The main issues you might be facing with ADHD include: 

  • Persistent restlessness
  • Lack of focus on any task
  • Impulsive behavior

Although a majority of ADHD cases are diagnosed in the early childhood stage yet, the progressive signs of the disease may take some time to be prominent enough in some individuals. The statistics depicting the ADHD prevalence in the USA further contribute to the importance of seeking personalized treatment from professional ADHD psychiatrists near me, for instance:

  • As per a national survey conducted in 2022, around 11.4% (7 million) of US children and adolescents (3-17 years) have an ADHD diagnosis history.
  • There is a comparatively increased ratio (15%) of boys suffering from ADHD as compared to girls (8%). 

Beware of Co-Occurring Mental Disorders with Overlapping Symptoms

It is very crucial to have a complete diagnosis by a certified mental health professional, like an ADHD psychiatrist, since most people often confuse its symptoms with various other mental health conditions, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc. Nonetheless, in some cases, certain comorbidities (associated mental illnesses) may develop, such as:

  • Conduct disorder (CD)
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Learning disabilities
  • Anxiety
  • Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
  • Depression
  • Autism spectrum disorder

9 Signs You Should Book an Appointment with an ADHD Psychiatrist Today

Medical professionals like psychiatrists can diagnose attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) based on specific signs and symptoms, including:

  1. Restlessness
  2. Being forgetful most of the time
  3. Impulsiveness & difficulty in focusing 
  4. Increased fidgety movements
  5. Prolonged sense of guilt, worry and frustration
  6. Inability to achieve daily commitments
  7. Poor organizational skills
  8. Hyperactivity & anger management issues
  9. Low self-esteem and poor interpersonal skills

If these signs and symptoms depict your current state persistently, you need to consult with a certified ADHD psychiatrist as early as possible. If you are still confused about your diagnosis, clarify your thoughts by calling (877) 414-3007

Expert Tips for Finding the Best ADHD Psychiatrists in Your Area

You need to follow some essential tips on your way to searching for the most suitable ADHD psychiatrists near you in California, including:

  • Conduct a thorough research of certified ADHD psychiatrists available in your locality.
  • Note down the essential details for a proper follow-up, such as name, contact details, official address, and available insurance programs.
  • Reach out via calling, email, or submitting the contact form.
  • Schedule an appointment with the most suitable ADHD psychiatrist.
  • Re-evaluate and repeat the process if necessary.

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Psychiatrist-Recommended Treatment Approach to Manage ADHD

The most effective methods of treating ADHD majorly include:

  • ADHD therapies

On the one hand, medications target the illness from the physiological aspects. On the other hand, therapies employed to manage the biological and psychological symptoms help you overcome ADHD more effectively. A personalized combination approach, including both medication and therapies, will be promising for long-term healing.

Here, you can review some of the most popular treatment options recommended by certified psychiatrists:

Diagnositc Criteria of ADHD

The Most Frequently Used ADHD Medication 

The use of medicines does not guarantee the permanent cure of ADHD; however, it can certainly assist in managing the primary symptoms. There are fundamentally two kinds of medications used to treat ADHD:

1. Stimulating drugs

These are further distinguished into:

  • Short-to-intermediate-acting stimulants
  • Long-acting stimulants

2. Non-stimulating drugs

Moreover, the five licensed, FDA-approved medicines among the widely available options refer to:

  • Dexamfetamine
  • Lisdexamfetamine
  • Atomoxetine
  • Methylphenidate
  • Guanfacine

ADHD Therapies That Make A Difference

While choosing the most suitable ADHD therapy, you need to consider the fact that it is never about one-size-fits-all. Every individual has his own needs for specialized care, while some of the best-known therapies to recover from ADHD include:

a) Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

As one of the most effective therapies for mental health issues, including ADHD, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) plays a vital role in remediating the behavioral issues from the root level. It targets determining, accepting, and modifying the negative thoughts that stimulate impulsive actions. 

b) Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)

Acting as a prominent therapy option for individuals struggling with ADHD, dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) primarily focuses on implementing emotional regulation strategies, leading to an enhanced mindfulness state. Your psychiatrist can recommend DBT along with CBT for a mutually effective combination treatment approach. 

c) Psychodynamic therapy

If your ADHD psychiatrist senses any underlying traumatic issues that are further contributing to elevating your symptoms, he will incorporate psychodynamic therapy in your treatment plan. It alleviates emotional sensitivity and finds the right proportion of balancing your thoughts and emotions. 

Considering the severity of the disease and goals to accomplish during ADHD treatment, your psychiatrist can customize the treatment plan to help you heal completely. 

The Search Ends Here: Why CRC is the Best Choice for ADHD Psychiatrists Near Me in California

Firstly, it is crucial to understand the significance of getting a proper ADHD diagnosis following the medically approved treatment plan that would be highly personalized to your specific needs. Fortunately, you can find this wholesome approach at the Compassion Recovery Centers (CRC) to recover from the distressing state of ADHD. 

Some of the prominent benefits of consulting CRC to help you or any of your loved ones suffering from ADHD are: 

  • CRC aims to provide emotional strength along with professional mental health support. 
  • The highly qualified and certified professionals help you manage your ADHD symptoms by offering truly customized treatment plans. 
  • The non-judgmental and empathetic approach of the CRC staff ensures a safer environment. 
  • Also, you will get insurance coverage for your ADHD treatment program as CRC is connected with various insurance providers, such as:

Moreover, there are different treatment programs offered at CRC, and you can choose any one after a thorough consultation with our certified psychiatrists. These programs also help you to find a suitable treatment plan that would align with your personal and professional commitments without hindering your ADHD treatment progress. The treatment programs available at CRC refer to:

To get complete guidance on CRC treatment services, feel free to call now at (877) 414-3007 or fill out our confidential contact form

Get the Most Common Queries Answered While Finding the Best ADHD Psychiatrists in Your Locality

If you are still confused about selecting the most suitable ADHD psychiatrists near you in California, here you can find science-backed responses to some of the most common queries for ADHD treatment.

Is There A Permanent Treatment for ADHD?

A holistic approach combining medication and psychotherapies to treat ADHD can be employed to help you manage the worse symptoms; however, there is no permanent cure for ADHD. 

Can You Treat ADHD Without Medication?

ADHD might be successfully managed without using any medications by:

  • Incorporating healthy habits
  • Following suitable psychological and behavioral therapies
  • Consuming nutrient-rich diet
  • Adding evidence-based practices to daily life routine

However, ADHD symptoms still need to be critically monitored by professional psychiatrists, and any other therapy should never replace medications if your psychiatrist deems it necessary to support your mental well-being. 

What is the Best Age to Diagnose ADHD?

From the age of 4 years, it is possible to diagnose ADHD symptoms in children; however, the indications of the disorder peak at the age of 7 and afterward. 

What is the Best Test for ADHD?

There is no single primary test used to diagnose ADHD as it may exhibit symptoms similar to other disorders, like anxiety and depression. However, only a qualified psychiatrist or mental health professional can conduct a proper diagnosis by using certain medical and genetic tests. 

1) Data and Statistics on ADHD. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). Retrieved on July 22, 2024. Available at:

2) Treating and Dealing with ADHD. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Retrieved on July 24, 2024. Available at:

3) Symptoms - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). National Health Sciences (NHS), UK. Retrieved on July 23, 2024. Available at:

4) Diagnosing ADHD. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). Retrieved on July 22, 2024. Available at:,have%20symptoms%20similar%20to%20ADHD.

5) ADHD Medicine. Nemours Teens Health. Retrieved on July 24, 2024. Available at:,shortcut%20to%20mastering%20these%20skills.

6) Treatment - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). National Health Sciences (NHS), UK. Retrieved on July 24, 2024. Available at:

7) Symptoms of ADHD. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). Retrieved on July 22, 2024. Available at:

8) Ogundele, M. O., & Ayyash, H. F. (2023). ADHD in children and adolescents: Review of current practice of non-pharmacological and behavioural management. AIMS public health, 10(1), 35. Available at:

9) William, S., Horrocks, M., Richmond, J., Hall, C. L., & French, B. (2024). Experience of CBT in adults with ADHD: a mixed methods study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15, 1341624. Available at:

10) Ladas, V. (2022). A critical discussion of psychological theories and interventions for enhancing self-regulation in young children with ADHD and ODD. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience & Mental Health, 5(1), 71-76. Available at:

11) Patient education: Symptoms and diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children (Beyond the Basics). UpToDate. Retrieved on July 24, 2024. Available at:,they%20often%20begin%20to%20decline.

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