photo of happy people from a support group smiling for the camera

Find Sobriety at Our Alcohol Rehab in Orange County, California

Alcohol is one of the most commonly used intoxicating substances on earth, except for, perhaps, coffee. Unlike coffee, Alcohol is also incredibly addictive, despite the fact that it’s normalized, encouraged in the form of craft beer and spirits, and even judged if you don’t drink. Some studies suggest that 84% of Americans drink at least occasionally. But, according to the National Survey on Drug Abuse and Health, 14.5 million Americans have an alcohol use disorder. 5.2 percent of the American population is addicted to alcohol. 

Alcohol use disorders damage you, your relationships, your work prospects, your family, and everyone around you. And, while no one chooses to be an addict, you can always choose to get treatment and recover. Only about 1.1 million, or about 7.2% of all persons with alcohol use disorder, get treatment on a given year, but treatment works. In one study, 60% of individuals who attended therapy and follow-up therapy with support groups were still clean and sober after 16 years.

What is an Alcohol Rehab Center?

Attending rehab can help you to get your life back. And, if you need help, the medical team at Compassion Recovery Center is here to help. Our staff deliver a combination of medical expertise, Masters-level education, and passion for helping people to become the best versions of themselves. Our alcohol rehab in Orange County offers inpatient and outpatient care, a detox center, and, of course, the beautiful, relaxing scenery of California’s west coast.

Alcohol rehab is a multi-part treatment designed to help you move past chemical addiction, identify the underlying causes behind addiction, and build the skills and behaviors needed to live a good life without alcohol. At Compassion Recovery, we approach every recovering person with care. You, your addiction, and your problems are unique. That’s why we build custom programs using EMDR, CBT, and REBT behavioral therapies. We back these with counseling, group therapy, and a host of supportive therapies to help you relax, destress, and get in control of your own emotional well-being. And, of course, treatment is delivered by our licensed and trained staff to ensure you get the best possible treatment.

Our Alcohol Addiction Treatment Services in Orange County

Explore our in-person and virtual substance abuse treatment services in Orange County at Compassion Recovery Centers. We offer a truly individualized experience for each client who enters our innovative Orange County treatment center. Discover how Compassion Recovery can help you on your journey to long-term, sustainable recovery.

Dual Diagnosis at mental health and substance abuse treatment center in orange county

Drug Rehab

a male client during partial hospitalization

Alcohol Rehab

Our Program Defined

We strive to offer the best treatment experience and believe that through our proven program, that we can help you not only overcome mental illness, but achieve a fulfilling life full of gratitude and compassion beyond what seems possible at the beginning of your path to recovery.
a group of people during psycho-educational treatment

What to Expect at Our Alcohol Rehab in Orange County, California

Compassion Recovery Center is primarily an outpatient alcohol rehab center. However, we do offer an Orange County detox center. We also offer partial hospitalization in our Laguna Hills facility. In some cases, you may also prefer a full, residential treatment. Every option has benefits, so you may want to discuss your needs with our counselors when calling for a consultation.


Compassion Recovery Centers offers outpatient alcohol detoxification to help assist clients through withdrawals and into recovery. Through the use of Medication-Assisted Treatment, we are able to help monitor and manage withdrawal symptoms with modern therapies and medications that make the process a bit more comfortable. Clients can expect personalized support throughout the detoxification process.
detoxification Doctor,With,Patient,In,Medical,Office
people during intensive treatment at a drug rehab center in orange county california

Intensive Outpatient

Intensive Outpatient or IOP is an alcohol rehab program designed to allow you more time to handle work and responsibilities. For this reason, IOP is better for those who can spend more time going to rehab over time or those who have a lighter addiction. In many cases, we may also recommend IOP as a follow up treatment for someone who has attended rehab and relapsed in the past.


Our outpatient alcohol rehab is designed to offer full care in our sunny rehab center in Laguna Hills. In most cases, you’ll attend up to 6 hours of treatment per day, focusing on EMDR, REBT, and CBT therapies. You’ll attend group therapy and counseling with your peers. You can bring family for family therapy. And, you’ll have the freedom to spend your days at work, school, or with family depending on your life and responsibilities. This is a Monday to Friday treatment.
mental health experts at a mental health and substance abuse treatment center in orange county california
Virtual IOP

Virtual IOP

Compassion Recovery Centers offers a virtual IOP program for those seeking treatment for alcoholism in Orange County and beyond. Our innovative and effective virtual alcohol rehab program provides you with the tools needed to overcome alcohol abuse and find freedom in sobriety.

The Benefits of Our Alcohol Rehab Center in Orange County


Caring & Expert Staff

Our staff are licensed, trained, and qualified medical experts. Our therapists are master’s level. We want you to get the best of medical expertise, no matter what treatment program you get. But, we also hire for compassion and passion. Helping people is more than a paycheck, and the staff at Compassionate Recovery are invested in what they do, helping our patients.


Dual-Diagnosis Support​

We offer full mental health treatment and support. That means you can attend with a dual diagnosis to receive personalized treatment for your mental health disorder and a substance use disorder. Almost half of all persons with a substance use disorder have a mental illness. We believe it’s important to offer full support for both, so you can get the help you need, no matter what your mental health.


Family Therapy & Programming​

Your family is essential to your life and to your recovery. Family relationships, family motivation, and social support are the driving factors behind recovery and even attending recovery in the first place. Compassion Recovery Center is a family-friendly center. We offer family therapy, to help you work through your addiction while rebuilding relationships with your loved ones.


Integrated Mental Health Treatment

Anxiety and depression in early recovery are incredibly common. In fact, most people experience feelings of anxiety, depression, or paranoia for the first 1-12 months following their last dose. These feelings can get in the way of treatment. They can cause relapse once you leave. And, they can reduce your quality of life. We deliver full mental health treatment from the start, so you can get help.


Complimentary Treatment​

Whether you need stress management, exercise, good nutrition, or creative therapies, we can help. Compassion Recovery offers a range of complementary therapies designed to help you improve your mental health, build skills, manage your emotions, and improve your physical health. That’s backed by physical activities and outings like kayaking and hiking in one of the most scenic locations in Southern California.

Alcoholism Treatment at Compassion Recovery Centers

Compassion Recovery Centers takes a personalized approach to treatment. That means every person who steps through our doors will receive a unique program, designed around their specific needs, mental health, and physical health. Our approach to personalization means our program is perfect for anyone with a dual diagnosis, with a complicated history of seeking out treatment, or with a severe addiction. However, in most cases, when you enter our Orange County detox, your path to recovery will look something like this:


Dialectal behavioral therapy is about treating the whole person and their experiences – with the goal of building mindfulness, emotional regulation, and self-acceptance. This therapy is commonly used for adolescents and teens with low self-esteem, with suicidal ideation, and who struggle to see themselves as worthwhile of being helped. This focus on emotional regulation can be immensely helpful to teens, who often greatly struggle with regulating emotions, both because of hormonal fluctuations and because of inexperience. Its primary goals include creating coping skills, building distress and stress tolerance (e.g., self-soothing, improving the moment, distracting the self), and to build interpersonal relationship skills, so that teens are better able to reach out, to build positive relationships, and to get social support from their peers.


Our alcohol detox center is in Laguna Beach, where you can relax and recover from alcohol use disorder at our own pace. In some cases, we may recommend a Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) program. In others, we’ll offer medical monitoring, counseling, and support as you move through on your own. In most cases, your detox period should be over in about 2 weeks, after which you can move on to full treatment.

Psychotherapy & Counseling

We offer psychotherapy, namely behavioral therapy, from master’s level therapists. Our treatment options include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, and Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy. These will help you to process emotions, recognize underlying problems behind addictions, and build new habits, thoughts, and behaviors that will help you move through life without alcohol.

Medication Assisted Treatment

Our medication assisted treatment (MAT) programs are available where needed to help you navigate alcohol use disorder. If you think you need a MAT program, contact our counselors for a consultation. If we decide that a MAT program is the best treatment for your needs, we’ll discuss that with you ahead of time. In most cases, that will mean getting a Disulfiram, Naltrexone, or Acamprosate prescription.


We offer long-term follow-ups and support, whether you live in Orange County or travelled to attend our program from out of state. Contact us to learn more about our support options and possibilities.

a male and a female mental health experts in mental health treatment center

Find Recovery at Our Drug Treatment Center in Orange County

From our licensed staff, dedication to personalized treatment, and years of expertise in treating alcohol use disorders to our beautiful rehab center in Laguna Beach, Compassion Recovery Centers strives to offer the best possible recovery experience. That means good support, evidence-backed treatment, compassionate staff, medical expertise, family support, and plenty of activities to keep you engaged, relaxed, and happy. Recovery should be about improving yourself, and we are committed to making that enjoyable and sustainable. Learn how to quit drinking and find freedom in sobriety at Compassion Recovery Centers. Contact us today or to get a free consultation, click here.

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