How Racism Affects Mental Health

The United States population is 76.3% white, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the other 23.7% of the population are comprised of Black or African American, Hispanic or Latinx, Asian, and indigenous populations. All the latter experience varied and sometimes extensive racism, which affects your experiences, your life, and every aspect of your social interactions. […]

Eight Traits of Addictive Personality

An “Addictive Personality” is a hypothesized set of personality traits which frequently crop up or are present in individuals who experience substance use disorder. These traits influence risk to addiction because they are risks to addiction. This article documents 8 of the most common, including impulsivity, sensation seeking, nonconformity, social alienation, stress, mental health disorders, […]

Starting a Conversation with A Loved One About Mental Health

If you’re struggling with your mental health, bringing that to your friends and family can be intensely difficult. For example, many of us feel pressured to say we’re doing well, that we’re happy. Not doing so creates a drain on the other person and can feel like imposing or even ruining the mood. And, most […]

The Importance of Lived Experience in Mental Health

Lived experiences are the core of who you are, what you have become, and why. No one truly understands where you are today if they don’t know where you’ve been – and that’s especially true with mental illness. Mental health treatment relies on lived experiences, both as a foundation for behavior and a foundation for […]

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