Bipolar Disorder Treatment
If you are in need of mental health treatment for substance abuse treatment, consider our Orange County mental health & substance abuse center. The staff at Compassion Recovery is here to help you along your path to long-term recovery and sobriety, offering individualized treatment plans based on your personal needs.
Our Mental Health Treatment Services in Orange County
When you enter an Orange County mental health center, you can expect an evaluation, customized treatment plan, and long-term aftercare. When you enter an Orange County mental health center, you can expect an evaluation, customized treatment plan, and long-term aftercare. When you enter an Orange County mental health center, you can expect an evaluation, customized treatment plan, and long-term aftercare.
A free, thorough assessment is provided for each prospective client. Request a callback today.
Our Program Defined.
We strive to offer the best treatment experience and believe that through our proven program, that we can help you not only overcome mental illness, but achieve a fulfilling life full of gratitude and compassion beyond what seems possible at the beginning of your path to recovery.
The Benefits of Our Treatment Center in Orange County
Evidence-Based Practice
Evidence-based practice serves as the foundation for any level of care we provide. These modalities can include one-on-one therapy, which is usually required for at least 1 hour per week, group therapy, family therapy, or things like cognitive behavioral therapy designed to change the way you think, feel, and behave. Some parts of evidence-based practice could very well include medication, especially for more serious mental health conditions like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or major depressive disorder.
Personalized Treatments
Every client needs a different approach to their treatment. We are here to provide the exact support, therapies, and aftercare that each patient needs.
Holistic Treatment & Therapies
Holistic treatment like emotional management, meditation, yoga, healthy eating, and similar coping skills might be integrated into your treatment plan to give you the skills you need when you leave our facility. Day in and day out, you might experience triggers or symptoms of your mental health condition, but you can’t control them, but with these educational tools, you can control how you react to them.