How to Stay Sober and Have Fun Over the Holidays

If you’re going into the holidays sober for the first time, it can be daunting. For most of us, the holiday season is a time to spend time with family, go to parties, and often, overindulge in alcohol. If you’re recently sober, it’s a point where you’ll have to be even more careful of your […]

8 Excuses People Use to Avoid Treatment

Addiction is incredibly common. In fact, in the United States, an estimated 18.5 million people suffer from a substance use disorder. Yet, data shows that just 4.2 million people received treatment in each 2019 and in 2018. This means that over 14 million people are not receiving the help they need to recover. And, that’s […]

Can I Treat My Mental Health Diagnosis with Cannabis?

The short answer is, it’s highly unlikely that you could treat mental health with cannabis. The longer answer is that cannabis and its impact on mental health is complicated, many of the studies we have are in their infancy, and it’s difficult to say how cannabis will impact any given individual. In fact, the active […]

How to Maintain School-Life Balance for Mental Health in College

Whether you’re heading to college for the first time, heading back after a break, or just struggling to keep up, it’s important that you take time to set boundaries and determine how to split your time. College often requires a significant amount of stress, with time dedicated to navigating often intense social relationships with teachers, […]

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