Understanding and Coping with My Delusions

For millions of Americans, delusions are an everyday fact of life. That’s true whether you have schizophrenia, OCD, or a delusional disorder. For many, those delusions can be completely life-altering, ranging from beliefs in paranoid or jealous concerns to beliefs in the supernatural or clearly impossible happenings. Whatever the case, a delusion is marked by […]

An Evidence-Based College Mental Health Checklist for Students

If you or a loved one is studying, it can be a difficult time for your mental health. Today’s students are subjected to more stress, more workloads, and more peer pressure than ever before. That’s while living in a modern world of “always-on” communication, managing stress at home and from social and economic factors, and […]

Gender Dysphoria and Mental Health

For an estimated 1 in 100 people, gender assigned at birth doesn’t match with the gender that they are. This phenomenon, known as gender dysphoria, is extremely common and can result in extreme physical and mental health repercussions including anxiety, low self-esteem, and feelings of wrongness or revulsion when looking at themselves or their body. […]

7 Great Exercises to Ease Depression

If you or a loved one is struggling with depression, you’ve probably heard that exercise helps. The good news is, it does. However, before you shove yourself or a family member off to the gym or go off running, it’s also important to keep in mind that exercise can also be a bad thing. In […]

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