Gaining the Courage to Share at a 12 Step Meeting

Whether you’ve decided to start attending 12-step on your own, are going because of a court order or are doing so as part of rehab, getting started can be scary. Most of us start out going to 12-step meetings to primarily listen, to get comfortable, and to decide if we fit in. Eventually, those goals […]

High-Functioning Anxiety: What It Is and How to Cope

Most people think of those with anxiety as visibly anxious, overwhelmed, and distressed. But, while many of the over 40 million Americans struggling with anxiety experience the disorder in this way, many others do not. In fact, many people with anxiety are able to function at work, at school, or in other aspects of their […]

Learning How to Maintain Employment with Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a severe mental health disorder affecting an estimated 2.8% of the U.S. population. This disorder results in strong emotional ups and downs, highs and lows of energy, and self-righteousness that can make it extremely difficult to follow instructions or take orders. That can mean difficulty keeping or maintaining jobs, getting into fights […]

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