Knowing and Managing My Mental Health Triggers

If you’ve been to any kind of mental health treatment, triggers are an oft talked about problem. Here, triggers are normally defined as instances which cause physical or mental disruption, kicking off increases in mental health problems. Depending on your mental health problems a trigger could be a person or thing that reminds you of […]

High-Functioning Anxiety: What It Is and How to Cope

Most people think of those with anxiety as visibly anxious, overwhelmed, and distressed. But, while many of the over 40 million Americans struggling with anxiety experience the disorder in this way, many others do not. In fact, many people with anxiety are able to function at work, at school, or in other aspects of their […]

Drug Options for Treating Anxiety Disorders

While psychotherapy has become the first line of treatment for most anxiety disorders, many of us need prescription medication before, during, and sometimes after that treatment. Today, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy are considered the primary means of treating anxiety – by helping people learn to deal with anxiety in a healthy […]

How to Describe Borderline Personality Disorder to Those Who Don’t Understand

Borderline Personality Disorder or BPD (similar to bipolar disorder) is a severe mental health disorder impacting an estimated 1.6% of all U.S. adults. This disorder is characterized by mood swings, difficulty regulating emotion, and intense emotional responses to stress and triggers. For many, that means depression, impulsive behavior, poor self-esteem, difficult relationships, and an inability […]

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