Dealing with Anger in the Aftermath of Trauma

Dealing with Anger in the Aftermath of Trauma Most people think of trauma and think of symptoms like anxiety and fear. But, for many of us, anger is the first and the strongest response. After getting over our fear, we become angry. That comes out in irritability, in being controlling, and in outbursts and in […]

9 Brain Exercises to Sharpen Your Mental Health Focus

9 Brain Exercises to Sharpen Your Mental Health Focus If you’re struggling with mental health, it probably means that you’re dealing with fatigue, lethargy, lack of focus, and even brain fog. All of those can be detrimental to how you feel and can downward spiral because you do nothing because you feel bad and then […]

What is Community-Based Suicide Prevention?

What is Community-Based Suicide Prevention? In 2023, suicide was the 11th leading cause of death, accounting for 1.4 in 10,000 individuals, or 1.70 million suicide attempts in the year. Those statistics are tragic and every one of them is a person who might have lived if they had better resources, better education, and more help […]

How to Know If You Need Inpatient Depression Treatment

How to Know If You Need Inpatient Depression Treatment If you’re struggling with depression you’re not alone. Today, an estimated 8.8% of the adult population or 22.5 million people over the age of 18 struggled with a major depressive disorder and depressive episodes in 2022. For many of us, that means dealing with depressive episodes, down periods, and […]

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