Managing Mental Illness and Parenthood

If you’re struggling with your mental health, managing yourself can be difficult. That becomes even more difficult when you’re faced with the responsibilities of a parent. Often that means taking on significant responsibilities which are challenging to people with good mental health. Balancing the needs of your mental health care and taking care of your […]

Understanding and Coping with My Delusions

For millions of Americans, delusions are an everyday fact of life. That’s true whether you have schizophrenia, OCD, or a delusional disorder. For many, those delusions can be completely life-altering, ranging from beliefs in paranoid or jealous concerns to beliefs in the supernatural or clearly impossible happenings. Whatever the case, a delusion is marked by […]

How Can I Handle My Anxiety Without Drinking or Drugs

If you’re struggling with anxiety, you’re far from alone. An estimated 40 million U.S. adults, or 19% of the total population, have an anxiety disorder. While anxiety disorders are extremely common, less than 42% of the population gets help. And, for social anxiety disorders, many people can take over 10 years of noticing symptoms before […]

An Evidence-Based College Mental Health Checklist for Students

If you or a loved one is studying, it can be a difficult time for your mental health. Today’s students are subjected to more stress, more workloads, and more peer pressure than ever before. That’s while living in a modern world of “always-on” communication, managing stress at home and from social and economic factors, and […]

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