Learning How to Maintain Employment with Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a severe mental health disorder affecting an estimated 2.8% of the U.S. population. This disorder results in strong emotional ups and downs, highs and lows of energy, and self-righteousness that can make it extremely difficult to follow instructions or take orders. That can mean difficulty keeping or maintaining jobs, getting into fights […]

What to Do When You Love Someone with Depression

If your loved one is facing depression, it can be a difficult and uphill battle for everyone involved. Often, you’ll have to carefully manage energy and priorities, build a schedule and responsibilities that work for everyone involved, and work to ensure that everyone has the boundaries, communication, and support they need to make it through. […]

What Happens at Al-Anon Meetings?

If you’re considering attending an Al-Anon meeting, you’re probably a bit nervous. It can be nerve-wracking at best to walk into a situation where you are essentially admitting that your loved one has a problem with drugs or alcohol. And, in a world where social stigma and shame about substance use disorders about, that can […]

Marijuana and Schizophrenia – Is There a Link?

Today, marijuana is more accepted for everyday and recreational use than at any other point in history. In fact, with 18 U.S. states offering legalized recreational usage, it’s become common to use cannabis in a similar fashion to alcohol in many places. While that legalization offers avenues to safely explore a low-risk drug without breaking […]

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